
What's New

Latest news from IHCWAY. Lesson photos of English teachers and students, recruitment for the English teacher in Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama and online.

Lisa's students (lesson photos)

With Izumi Uemura, Nishinippori:
Izumi Nishinippori 1.JPGのサムネール画像のサムネール画像

We always have a lot of fun talking about her essays and discussing various topics each week. In this way Izumi could make already big steps in improving her language skills.

With Takaaki Nomura, Shinjuku:
Takaaki Shinjuku 1.JPG

We study English and German together. Reading books, correcting his essays and having conversations about different subjects each lesson, brings not only a lot of fun but also helps to improve his language skills. 


With Ryusuke Kimura, Shimotakaido: 

Ryusuke Shimotakaido 1.JPG

We study German and English together as he needs both languages for his job. The main focus is on conversation - so we have a good time talking about the politics of the day as well as other currently interesting topics.


With Yukiko Kuranami, Ebisu:
Yukiko Ebisu 1.JPG

Reading stories together, talking about the essays she's writing and chatting about various topics each time helps to improve Yukiko's language skills - especially her conversation skills. We're always surprised the lesson time passes by so quickly.


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