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Latest news from IHCWAY. Lesson photos of English teachers and students, recruitment for the English teacher in Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama and online.

From Bethany(English teacher) Tachikawa area

I'm originally from the USA, but have been in and out of Japan for the past several years.  Fresh out of college last year after majoring in Japanese studies, I was drawn back to Japan, mainly to strengthen my Japanese and practice photography before heading to graduate school.  I needed a flexible yet rewarding job that would leave me time to pursue my other interests.  Out of the blue, I happened upon IHCWAY's website.  Becoming an English teacher seemed almost too simple to be true: fill out the application, go to an interview, and then IHCWAY would find students for me?


Becoming a teacher really was as simple as that.  I've been teaching for IHCWAY for the past year, and have had the pleasure of teaching a variety of interesting people with diverse interests and varying degrees of English ability.  Among my students are a ballerina, an engineer, and a landscape designer, which makes for very interesting conversations.  Most importantly, the fact that IHCWAY screens students for you ensures all of your students have clear goals for learning English.  During the past year, my teaching duties have ranged from proofreading a technical summary to helping compose an email to a hotel for a student preparing to travel abroad.


If you would like to teach English, meet great people, and value flexibility and time (IHCWAY only sets you up with students within a pre-agreed upon distance of where you live), I highly recommend working for IHCWAY. 


