
Important information for teachers

Important information for English and the other foreign language teachers. About the teaching plan and progress report for the one on one lesson.

Please make a back up copy of important information .

Please make a back up copy of important information (e.g. students addresses, phone numbers,etc..)in your notebooks or diaries as well as backing up in your cell phones and your PCs, in case of any electrical problems. IHCWAY will not give out those important information once they are given. Thus,it is your own responsibility to back up and manage the information.

必ずノートなどの紙にも二重に記録するようにしてください。携帯やパソコンだと、紛失やデータ消去の際に、重要な情報がすべて失われます。このようなミスで生徒に関する情報を消してしまっても、IHCWAYから再度 情報を知らせることはないので、しっかり自分で管理してください。